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Character Concept Creation

This shows what process I take to create a character. These are not the best example of my art, but show the more technical aspects of the process.

The first step I take to creating a character is finding references I want to incorporate. In this case I went with a Dungeons & Dragons concept I had created based off of the monks at a Thai Temple I frequented during my younger years.


As for why I chose a gargoyle? I felt as if they are overseers in many cultures, just as monks oversee their temples. I found a variety of monk clothing, but ultimately decided to go with what Thai monks would wear.


The name was instantly taken from a jazz musician I listen to because why not? Thelonious the Monk sounds cheesy and I like it.

The second step I took is creating multiple looks based off of various garbs. While the art isn't the greatest, it shows a grasp of creating varying concepts. I only needed three for my assignment.  This also allowed me to fill in a character planning sheet during.

Important things on a character planning sheet include but are not limited to:

  • Name

  • Race/Species

  • Age

  • Sex or Gender

  • Height

  • Weight

  • Body Type

  • Eye Color

  • Skin Color

        And of course a backstory concept

  • Distinguishing Marks

  • Skills

  • Tools and/or Weapons

  • Accessories

  • Occupation

  • Beliefs

  • Strengths

  • Weaknesses

  • Political Views

Next I work on creating various features to choose from . . .

. . . And after, I create emotion headshots to practice using these features!

At some point, I create loose silhouettes with gesture drawings to practice drawing the form! It may not be pretty but it's essential to get a hang of unusual anatomy.

Lastly, I make a reference sheet. Typically as a turn-table reference. I was not entirely please with the anatomy here, but now you've seen my process!

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